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COVID-19 cases on the Isles of Scilly – 15 July 2021

We have been advised by our local Public Health team that there have been 4 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 since 6 July 2021.

These cases are a combination of both residents and visitors. All of these cases and their close contacts have been monitored in the normal way and are isolating.

We are able to confirm the number of cases as they are above the threshold for appearing on the government’s coronavirus cases website. However, as usual, to protect individuals' identities, we are not able to specify further information relating to timing or location.

If you have not been contacted by the Council or NHS Test and Trace, there is nothing additional you need to do beyond the usual spread prevention measures (see below). However, you must request a PCR test at the first sign of any COVID-19 symptoms. You can find out how to access testing on Scilly on the Council website. This advice applies to both residents and visitors.

The key things that you should be doing to help keep everybody safe are:

  • Stick to the safest interpretation of the guidance. Please don’t pre-empt the official date for the changes in guidance. Don’t seek to flex the rules. Don’t put pressure on others to flex the rules. Remember: modelling safe behaviours is a good way of encouraging others to do the same.

  • Keep group numbers low. Remember it’s still a maximum of 30 people outdoors, or 6 indoors if from more than 2 different households. The latest advice is to keep numbers low even after 19 July.

  • Vaccinations are vital. We urge you to take up the offer of a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you are invited to do so. It is the best way of protecting yourself from the most serious effects of the virus.

  • We still want you to check in using the NHS App. Public Health is still finding the information obtained from the NHS COVID-19 App useful and we urge you to continue to check in wherever possible.

  • Meet outside wherever possible. Socialising outside remains the safer option, as the Delta variant is much easier to transmit in enclosed spaces. If you are meeting inside, be sure to let plenty of fresh air into indoor spaces.

  • Make space. Being close to people increases transmission considerably. You must still keep your distance from anyone you do not live with (2 metres apart at all times). This applies whether you are indoors or outdoors - in the street, or on the beach. Making space will still be important after 19 July if we are to reduce transmission.

  • Keep physical interaction to a minimum. This helps reduce the risk of spread and should be a consideration even with your closest friends and family. Physical interaction applies to everything from hugging someone to sharing cutlery at a picnic.

  • Consider the most vulnerable. Remember some individuals remain more vulnerable to the serious complications of coronavirus, even if fully vaccinated.

  • Remember basic hygiene. Keep washing your hands and cleaning your surroundings regularly. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze and dispose of tissues safely.

  • Take regular rapid (lateral flow) tests. If you are not symptomatic, you should take regular lateral flow tests (and report the results) to help us identify any potential for outbreaks.

  • Wear a face covering. You should still wear a face covering where legally required. After 19 July, the government still expects and recommends that face coverings are worn in crowded and enclosed spaces. This is also strongly advised by our local public health team.

Given the rising numbers across the UK, we may see further cases in the coming weeks so it is a timely reminder to everyone to act as if the virus is among us at all times.

We understand that this announcement may cause concern, however our Public Health team are doing everything they can to minimise the risk of further infection. The best thing that you can do to support this effort is to follow the prevention measures set out above and keep up-to-date with the latest advice on the Council and government websites.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact

Publishing date: 

Thursday, 15 July, 2021

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